On the municipal election ballot this October will be a General Obligation Bond request for $12 million to partially fund a replacement communication system for the Juneau police department. While we concur that an effective law enforcement agency is critical to the civil conduct of business, it is also important that the public be fully informed. First Things First Alaska Foundation takes no position on the bond issue; however, it is our goal to educate the populous on such important issues that are critical to the free function of our economy.
JPD Radio Communications Report
We have obtained a report prepared for the Juneau police department, which describes the options studied at their request. While this report does not appear to cover an exhaustive list of options, it is important to disseminate this study for public review. We do note that the study states the existing system has lasted roughly 16 years and is stated to be beyond it’s useful life.
Equipment Life Expectancy and Debt Financing Questions
The replacement system (Option #3 in the study) similarly has a 16 life expectancy. While the maturity of potential GO bonds to be issued for this purchase has not been advertised, it is reasonable to assume it would be no less than 15 years. That is, the system may be paid off about the same time it might be retired from service. Further information from the CBJ finance department would be required to understand the financing in greater detail.
First Things First Alaska Foundation
P.O. Box 240605
Douglas, AK 99824-0605
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